Life has changed for me once again. I don't know who actually reads this random rambling blog of mine, but some of you already know this but to some it might come as a surprise.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
You Make Me Smile
Life has changed for me once again. I don't know who actually reads this random rambling blog of mine, but some of you already know this but to some it might come as a surprise.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Meaty Halloween
I hope everyone has had a great weekend! I've had a blast! Halloween is a big event in Austin. Mostly, because my friend Katie goes pretty overboard about it. We've been having weekly "committee" meetings for about the past month. Really these were just an excuse to get together. Last week we carved pumpkins, and this week we decorated cookies and cupcakes for Katie's party last night.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I discovered this mouse on Sunday after being gone all weekend. My loaf of bread had a large hole burrowed in it. So Monday I went a little overboard and bought six mouse traps. I decided I would only set four of the traps and keep the other two. Tuesday went by with no mice sightings. I came home today from being in Osceola for work overnight and found this.
He was stuck, but still alive. The stuff in the middle is the large glob of peanut butter I smeared on the trap to lure him in. I discarded of my house guest with minimal screaming/freaking out. I've decided to leave the other traps out in case he has any friends. Thanks again for being supportive, Mom.
In other news, it's cold. Winter has caught up to me once again. Ugh.
That's all I've got for now.....
Sunday, October 10, 2010
It's a brand new car!!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
1. I bought a new car. This is maybe the most exciting news. It’s a 2010 Toyota Venza and I love it. It’s black, with leather, and a sunroof. I also currently have a 2000 Toyota Solara for sale if you’re interested……
2. I ran a half marathon. Yes, I’m crazy. I ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 59 minutes. I was pretty excited, because I set my goal as 2 hours 10 minutes. I was extremely excited to come in (barely) under 2 hours!
3. Cody took me to see Wicked for my birthday in the cities and it was awesome! We also ate at this Ah-Mazing restaurant called Fogo De Chao. It’s a Brazilian steak house where they bring you all the meat you can eat to your table. I highly recommend it!
4. We also went to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival the weekend of my birthday. There were all these people dressed in costumes and a lot of food stands and shops. It was really unique and fun.
5. I traveled home for 5 glorious days over Labor Day weekend. I need to get on the ball and update with pictures.
6. I traveled to Iowa City, IA to visit Adam and Jessie and tailgate for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game. They recently moved into a house in the country and are finding out about the joys of country living and the critters that come with it…..More on this later.
7. Then, I traveled to Kansas for work for a week. I’m glad those tests are behind me. Working in a different plant for the first time is always nerve racking. I’m thankful when there are such helpful and nice people in plants that help tests run smoothly.
8. It’s fall which means that it’s almost winter. This makes me sad.
9. I may never learn to wear gloves when handling liquid smoke at work. My hands are going to become permanently orange colored if I’m not careful.
10. My legs are sore (see #2) and I’ve been walking around the office like an 80 year old lady.
I think that about does it. I will get pictures of the new car and such up soon!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
By the time you read this....
Friday, August 27, 2010
Back To The Future
Hello all from beautiful Austin, Minnesota! (a hint of sarcasm may be included)..
*Dad and Rob stopped planting just long enough to go to the wedding and take this picture*
*Trevor - Best looking guy at the wedding*
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Move over Betty Crocker!
Some of the failures include:
- Green beans – Maybe it’s because I still don’t really like them, but I can’t ever cook them to where I think they’re right. The texture is always off.
- Stuffed green peppers – These weren’t bad, but not that good. I went through a “cream cheese would be good in everything” phase, and I thought that if I filled a hollowed out green pepper with some cream cheese, cheddar cheese, ground beef, and a bunch of spices it would be really delicious. It was just really weird, and I need to look up an appropriate recipe for stuffed peppers and try again.
- Cuban pork sandwiches – my mouth just waters thinking about it. I’ve really come to love mustard and pickles lately.
- Pie Crust - although it still needs some tweaks
- Baked Pasta - This is frequently called Rachel’s Surprise because I usually end up using leftover meats/cheeses/whatever is left in the fridge, but it’s always been yummy!
- Mayonnaise bread – this sounds completely disgusting but believe me it is the most delicious cheese bread I’ve ever sank my teeth into. I started out trying to recreate cheese bread I have had before (Corineah if you read this, I was trying to make your bread). I couldn’t remember the ingredients. so I just guessed. It started with cream cheese, because it seemed like that should work (plus it was during my cream cheese phase). It was good, but just not quite right. Thanks to The Pioneer Woman I came across this recipe and found the missing puzzle piece was mayonnaise! Who woulda thunk? Make it if you have a few extra calories to spare…..
- Whiskey cream sauce – another Pioneer Woman recipe, but I tweaked it some, and it’s soooo yummy on a nice, thick ribeye steak.
- Alfredo sauce – so delicious and yet oh so bad for you
- Banana cream pie – I don’t know if I’ve ever had banana cream pie, but it is Cody’s favorite so I attempted it for his birthday. He said it was good. I think it could be better.
- Enchiladas - again thanks to Pioneer Woman.
- Shrimp pasta - Maybe my most favorite dish lately. Just cook up some shrimp in some olive oil and then toss with peas and pasta.
- Beef Brisket - in my crock pot

Sunday, July 25, 2010
1. It's been hot in MN. I love it, because it actually feels like summer to me. People from Minnesota like to complain about the heat. I think I probably sound like them in the winter when it's snowing, so I suppose it's even.
2. My house has been like the Austin Hotel lately. Dallas was here for the 4th of July, the following weekend Rachel and David made a quick pit stop, and I entertained Adam and Jessie this weekend. Cory and Petey will be here next weekend and my parents the weekend after that.
3. I love visitors. If you would like to come visit please make your reservation right now!
4. I'm now training to run a half marathon in September. I'm not sure what kind of crazy thoughts have taken over my brain. I'll be running with 3 other Hormel girls so it should be a fun time (well minus the running 13 miles part).
5. I cooked all afternoon, and I'm now covered in flour. I'm definitely my mother's daughter judging by the flour handprints that were on my shorts...
6. I've eaten my weight in mashed potatoes the last couple of weeks at work. It's becoming a problem. See #4.
7. My cousin Clayton was baptised this morning at church, and I am so proud of him! I really wish I could have been home to see him give his life to the Lord. Congrats Clayton!
8. Did I mention that I love summer and hot weather??
9. I played in a sand volleyball tournament last weekend and ended up with a wicked mystery bruise on my hand. I should have taken a picture of it, but I forgot.
10. Watching the latest episodes of Deadliest Catch where Captain Phil dies makes me cry everytime. I'm such a baby.
11. I've been living off of strawberries for the last month and a half. I bought some at the store last week and ended up throwing half the carton away once I got home because they were starting to rot. It made me very sad because it means strawberry season is over.
12. The same day I threw away strawberries, I bought my first bunch of sweet corn. This made me feel much better.
13. Cody has now met almost all of the important people in my life and has passed the inspections. I knew he would :)
14. I need to go to Illinois soon. Chauncey, Illinois to be specific.
15. I'm more tan than I've been in the last few years. I love summer!
16. Getting engaged seems to be the thing to do these days. Congrats to Sarah and Matt, Jessie and Adam, and Christine and Travis!! I'll throw in Bethany and Blake and Sug and Robert too even though you've been engaged for awhile :)
That's all I can think of for now. Off to enjoy some more hot summer weather!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
An update....
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Hola! Como estas? Muy bien!
We planned a couple of extra activities as well. One night we went on a pirate themed cruise ship. Out of the probably 40 people on the boat, we were 3 of 5 who spoke English as our only language. The main pirate emcee would explain things in both Spanish and English, but we feel like we missed out on a lot of the story. We figured this only enhanced the experience as it was probably pretty corny otherwise. We cruised from Cancun to the Isla Mujeres where we saw a pirate show, had dinner, played some games, and had a mini dance party. While on the island I got called out to come on stage to play a game. It was a scavenger hunt and we had find certain items in the audience and thing bring them back to the pirate - the last person back would lose. It was interesting because he would explain what we were looking for in Spanish first, so I just took off running not knowing most of the time what I was looking for. I was the last person standing and won a t-shirt for my efforts. It was extremely windy that night and it wasn't long until our boat ride turned into a scene straight out of Deadliest Catch. The boat was rocking so hard that I was convinced we would end up having to swim back to shore. This also only enhanced the experience, because the crew had people up dancing around the boat and soon the scene changed from Deadliest Catch to Titanic. As the boat rocked everyone dancing would scream, cling to the railings, and topple on top of each other. It was epic and hysterical!!
We also went on a club hop which took us to 3 of the hot spots in Cancun: Congo, Senor Frogs, and Cocoa Bongo. We had an extremely good time. Senor Frogs was by far my favorite. It was really laid back with a beach theme and even had a water slide running through the place. Cocoa Bongo was a disco like place and they put on shows of famous singers such as Elvis, Beyonce, and Michael Jackson. The people really looked like the singers and they would dance and lip sync along to their music videos which would play on these huge screens. It was a blast!
We sadly left on Wednesday and went from 90 degrees in Cancun to a very sad 40 degrees in Minnesota. It was really disheartening. I started feeling better when Cody welcomed me home with a small Dairy Queen ice cream cake! I'll leave you now with a slide show of some of the pictures of our trip. I feel like there is more to say, but it's late and my clever blogger writing skills just aren't clicking (as if my blog posts are ever that clever anyway!). So good night!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Workin hard, or hardly workin?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
On the go
Last weekend, Cody and I made the trip down to Ames to take part in VEISHEA. If you want to learn more about what VEISHEA is click here: Basically, it's a celebration for the university. This year was the first time I actually walked around on campus on Saturday. I didn't realize how many family events took place. Each college puts on different events to show the public a little about their program. I ran into Dr. Lonergan at the livestock pavillion and was able to catch up with him for a bit. The spring scrimage game was Saturday afternoon so ISU 911 was out in full force for tailgating. Sunday we had lunch with my other family - The Andersons. Lily is getting so big, it's hard to believe that she's 8 months old! Mark and Katie even dressed her in the Illini shirt I got for her. She is the cutest baby ever!! Overall, it was a great weekend spent catching up with my Iowa State peeps.
*Cody getting his first taste of Iowa State tailgating*