Happy Halloween!!
I hope everyone has had a great weekend! I've had a blast! Halloween is a big event in Austin. Mostly, because my friend Katie goes pretty overboard about it. We've been having weekly "committee" meetings for about the past month. Really these were just an excuse to get together. Last week we carved pumpkins, and this week we decorated cookies and cupcakes for Katie's party last night.
I wasn't sure what I was going to dress up as this year. It was going to be hard to top the tacky tourist of last year. Then Lady Gaga gave me the most perfect costume! If you didn't hear, Lady Gaga wore a meat dress at the MTV Video Awards this year. It was made of actual dried meat, complete with meat shoes, a meat hat, and a meat purse. She had some weird political reasoning behind the dress, but being the meat lover that I am, I loved it for the mere fact it was made of meat! So I set out to recreat the meat dress. I actually found a do it yourself video on youtube. Sadly, my costume was not made of actual meat. We had talks at work about how I could use real meat, but I figured it would be too messy :) So here is the finished product. It turned out awesome! I'm not sure the pictures do it justice. It looks much better in person.
What do you think compared with the real deal??
Katie the Lady Bug, Joni the Donkey, Lady Gaga, and Holly as Pippi Longstocking
Katie's boyfriend Brad as a Gnome, if he turned his hat around he also doubled as a wizard
Kim Jong-Il
Pumpkin Carving!!
My cute front porch (there's an orange mum between the pumpkins
In other news, I caught a second mouse. I'm really really hoping that's the end of the mice. It's too stressful getting rid of them...
I'll also be home this weekend for Katie Steber's wedding. I'll be home late Thursday/sometime on Friday for the rehearsal dinner then I'll have to go back on Sunday. It will be a quick trip, but I'm excited to be home for a few days! Mom and Dad recently bought a hot tub and I'm excited to try it out!