The guest room is in the front corner of the house. It may be technically considered the master bedroom, but I didn't want my room to be so close to the street. In my old apartment my guest room was kind of neglected and filled with random leftover furniture. I didn't even have a queen sized bed for guests. When I moved into my house, I knew I wanted to buy a new mattress for myself. So now my guests have a proper sized bed to stay in. Mom also helped paint this room. I had yellow curtains from my old apartment and I knew I wanted to go with a yellow and gray color scheme.
The guest room the day I moved in.
I picked the color "bell tower stone" by Valspar in Sherwin Williams paint. I love the color. It's rich but not too dark and the yellow really stands out nicely against it. I lived without a matching comforter for awhile. I found this duvet color set from West Elm and completed the bed with some throw pillows from Target. Months later I finally hung my favorite Van Gogh prints and other pictures. The only thing left to do in this room is get a new light fixture. I've been looking for one that I like, but is at a reasonable price. But with only one item left on the to do list the guest room is the most complete room in the house! I almost love it more than my master bedroom!
Mom helped make the curtains from fabric from JoAnn fabrics. The wood shelves on the floor are my old 4H House desk shelves. Maybe one day I'll replace them with something else. Dad made them for me so they have a little sentimental value!
The light fixture is brassy and outdated. The glass has etched designs on it so the light throws subtle shadows over the room. I really dislike it, but since I'm rarely in here at night I can live with it for now.