Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I realize I’m behind the times again. Here is a quick list of new happenings in the world of Rachel:
1. I bought a new car. This is maybe the most exciting news. It’s a 2010 Toyota Venza and I love it. It’s black, with leather, and a sunroof. I also currently have a 2000 Toyota Solara for sale if you’re interested……

2. I ran a half marathon. Yes, I’m crazy. I ran 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 59 minutes. I was pretty excited, because I set my goal as 2 hours 10 minutes. I was extremely excited to come in (barely) under 2 hours!

3. Cody took me to see Wicked for my birthday in the cities and it was awesome! We also ate at this Ah-Mazing restaurant called Fogo De Chao. It’s a Brazilian steak house where they bring you all the meat you can eat to your table. I highly recommend it!

4. We also went to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival the weekend of my birthday. There were all these people dressed in costumes and a lot of food stands and shops. It was really unique and fun.

5. I traveled home for 5 glorious days over Labor Day weekend. I need to get on the ball and update with pictures.

6. I traveled to Iowa City, IA to visit Adam and Jessie and tailgate for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game. They recently moved into a house in the country and are finding out about the joys of country living and the critters that come with it…..More on this later.

7. Then, I traveled to Kansas for work for a week. I’m glad those tests are behind me. Working in a different plant for the first time is always nerve racking. I’m thankful when there are such helpful and nice people in plants that help tests run smoothly.

8. It’s fall which means that it’s almost winter. This makes me sad.

9. I may never learn to wear gloves when handling liquid smoke at work. My hands are going to become permanently orange colored if I’m not careful.

10. My legs are sore (see #2) and I’ve been walking around the office like an 80 year old lady.

I think that about does it. I will get pictures of the new car and such up soon!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

By the time you read this....

....I will be on the better side of the Mississippi.  Where the sun shines a little brighter.  And the grass is just that much greener.  Yes, I'll be in Illinois tonight and will stay there for 5 glorious days!!  And that my friends makes me very, very, ridiculously happy.